The Mother Pearl
Alumni Association

The Mother Pearl Alumni Association (MPAA) is a 501(c)3
non-profit charitable organization focusing on providing financial support to Howard University undergraduate students for their achievement of scholarly excellence, as well as to champion the restoration, maintenance, and sustainment of select historic edifices on the University's campus.

Charter Day 10
Fundraising "Lifting As They Climb" 2023 Campaign Goal $150,000.00
TYD: 15%

Providing monetary grants & stipends
to help
undergraduate students
meet some of their financial challenges.

MPAA’s current fundraising campaign theme, “Lifting as they climb”, is continuing through our calendar year.

Our goal is garnering funds facilitating the award of grants and stipends to deserving Howard University undergraduate students. 

Our 2023 Fundraising Goal: $150,000.00

Charter Day Commemoration

In 1996, Brother Dr Gernerique T. Stewart, PhD (6-95-A) organized the formal Charter Day commemoration honoring Howard University’s chartering of Alpha Chapter, and celebrating this historic event. 

This event evolved into an annual gathering and an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the worthy contributions of the brothers of Alpha Chapter, past and present.
